Book Development and Story Consulting
Are your characters not cooperating?

You’ve come to the right place.

You want your novel to grab a reader’s attention and never let it go. But how can you tell if your manuscript is there?
You need an informed opinion from someone who isn’t your mother or your best friend.
I can help.
I’m an experienced story editor, a one-time literary agent, a former acquisitions editor, a traditionally (and self-) published novelist and nonfiction book author, not to mention the founder of Club Ed, LLC – and I know how to solve your story problems.
Struggling with a story problem?
Can’t figure out how to get your protagonist out of the jam they’re in? Not sure why your villain is so non-threatening? Need some guidance for turning a great story idea into an actual story?
I can help you get unsnarled.
Here’s what I need to know about your project.
Ready for feedback?
Have you finished a draft of your novel and want to get feedback and guidance from an experienced, professional editor?
Book your manuscript evaluation now!