DE 5: Manuscript Evaluation



$60 (Members: $54) | How to do a manuscript assessment, evaluation, or critique | 3 lessons | Self-paced | Intermediate

This class teaches you how to add the additional service of manuscript evaluation to your menu of offerings.

This is a great option for authors not ready for a full developmental edit who just need some overall guidance about where their ms is going wrong and how to fix it.

For more experienced authors, offering a manuscript evaluation can be a way to provide “a second set of eyes” to help them avoid dropped plot threads or open questions they don’t intend. It’s a budget-friendly option that can help an author get a feel for working with you before engaging you for a more expensive developmental edit.

You can also use a version of this process to quickly determine the amount of developmental work a project is likely to need, which helps you quote project fees more realistically.

The class includes a full ms for you to practice on and provides a sample evaluation that you can compare yours to.

The class is entirely online and asynchronous (you don’t have to be in any particular place at any particular time to participate).