If you’re interested in becoming a freelance editor (or at least finding out if it’s something you’d like to do), you probably have lots of questions. Fortunately, Club Ed® has answers.
Club Ed is the brainchild of veteran book editor Jennifer Lawler, who dreamed it up one dark winter day after the four-thousand-eight-hundred-and-sixty-second person said, “You’re a freelance book editor? in KANSAS? Really? How did you do that!?”
I left Kansas a while back and now people ask, “You’re a freelance book editor? In LOS ANGELES? Really? How can you afford that!?”
The answer is (a) through educating myself and (b) through believing that freelancing isn’t just code for “between jobs.” And I can help you with both of those things.
If you’re an aspiring, new, or established book editor or story coach and you’d like to grow your skills and build your business, you’ve come to the right place.
Through Club Ed, I offer developmental editing classes, a freelance editor support group (just ask), and a slightly bony shoulder to cry on.
Most of the people I work with are freelance editors, but staffers also yell for help from time to time.
You can learn about everything from how to start a freelance editing business to how to edit novels for point-of-view and perspective. And lots more! Classes are both instructor-led and self-paced. I’ve spent the better part of a decade trying to share everything I’ve learned so far and it adds up.
I’ve worked as an editor for more than twenty years, and though I’ve sometimes wondered why I couldn’t be a hedge fund manager instead, I have never yet found a better way to spend my days than talking about stories and words with writers and editors.
I learned how to edit in the trenches of traditional publishing with its insane deadlines, pitiless competition, and crushing bureaucracy. To that I added a Ph.D in English literature. My specialization is in medieval literature because of a long story.
Editorial clients have included Simon & Schuster, Girl Friday Productions, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Barnes and Noble Custom Publishing, and others, along with many independent authors.
My novels and nonfiction books have been published by Simon & Schuster, Penguin Compass, Montlake Romance, and others. I also self-publish under my Lawler & Daughter imprint. Being a published author has taught me a lot about what good editing is and what it isn’t.
Here are some testimonials from people who’ve worked with me. For more about me and my personal life, check this out.
Freelance editing has given me the freedom to live my life on my own terms – and it can do the same for you. Get started by signing up for my newsletter or by dropping me a line at Info@ClubEdFreelancers.com.