New! Kick Start Your Editing Business, Edition 2021 (starts January 11, 2021)

$249, 4 weeks (through February 7), instructor-led.

This new class is for freelance editors who have hit a slump or who have been away from the field for a while but want to get back in the game.

Maybe the pandemic has impacted your clientele and you’ve lost the indie clients you’ve relied on, or maybe you’re going through the sophomore slump of keeping your business running while trying to market while trying to maintain a personal life. Maybe you’re ready to change genres or add new services but aren’t sure how to do this without losing your current clients. Or maybe you’d like to make more money or work more efficiently.

We’ll talk about all of these issues throughout the class. Each student will develop a plan for going forward in 2021.

This class includes four weeks of lessons with feedback and online discussion, plus a one-hour coaching call with the instructor (Jennifer) after the end of class to help you solve problems and finalize your game plan.

Lessons cover:

  • building your client base while juggling multiple demands on your time
  • shifting and expanding your services: changing or adding genres you edit, moving or expanding from copyediting to developmental editing (or vice versa)
  • making the most of your time: efficient time blocking/scheduling
  • avoiding no-shows and downtime
  • quoting projects correctly and making more money per client
  • evaluating and implementing efficiency-related practices and tools
  • creating an online (website/blog) and social media strategy for marketing
  • deciding on business-related priorities for the coming year (financial, work-life balance, etc.)
  • working part-time at your business
  • networking virtually
  • overcoming imposter syndrome
  • dealing with perfectionism, resistance, and other self-defeating habits
  • developing a plan to help make 2021 your best year yet

Purchase this class with the February Getting Editorial Work from Book Publishers and Packagers class and save $50! (Choose the Kickstart + Publishers Package)

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how to become an editor

New to story editing? Begin at the beginning.

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