How to Respond to Rejection Positively
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How to Respond to Rejection Positively

I didn’t realize so many people did not know how to respond to rejection in a way that helped them to learn and grow from the experience. How to Respond to Rejection Positively I recently solicited proposals for a project, and what I found enlightening about the whole process was how badly most of the…

Make Money Fast as a Freelance Book Editor

Make Money Fast as a Freelance Book Editor

Do you need to figure out how to make money fast as a freelance book editor? It happens to all of us from time to time: work slows down, and we need to generate quick income. Note that this is not a blog post about how to start your business as a freelance book editor…

Letter of Introduction for Book Editors: Making a Connection

Letter of Introduction for Book Editors: Making a Connection

A top tip is to use a letter of introduction for book editors to make a connection with potential clients. Making a Connection with a Letter of Introduction for Book Editors I’m a big fan of reaching out to potential clients directly to let them know you exist. The letter of introduction (LOI) is a…

Differences in Working for Indie Authors and Publisher Clients
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Differences in Working for Indie Authors and Publisher Clients

I think it’s important for editors to understand the differences in editing for indie authors and publisher clients in order to make a thoughtful decision on which type of cient to pursie, or perhaps to attain both types of clients. Here are some of the most helpful tips I’ve gathered in my experience to help…

How to Let Your Niche Find You
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How to Let Your Niche Find You

One thing new editors often ask me is how to find their niche(s), and my short answer is to let your niche find you. How to Let Your Niche Find You I don’t want to be all zen and say your niches will find you, but that’s kind of true, or at least it has…

When to Raise Rates for Book Editors
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When to Raise Rates for Book Editors

Let’s talk about when to raise rates for book editors.  How do you know when it’s the right time? I have a few tips for this. Is it Time to Raise Your Rates?  It’s common for freelancers to get stuck on a low-paying treadmill. They take a few poorly paying gigs to get some experience…

How to Stand Out as an Editor
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How to Stand Out as an Editor

Newer editors are often unsure of how to stand out from other editors. So they’ll do things that are the equivalent of wearing a fedora or a monocle. “Notice me!” these efforts say. But I have a tip to share for how to stand out as an editor! My #1 Tip to Stand Out as…

6 Questions to Ask Potential Publisher Clients

Many freelance editors are interested in getting editorial work from book publishers and packagers, and often they’re so focused on landing the client that they don’t think about setting expectations for their work. Then the first project is assigned, and they have less time than they normally have with indie authors, they’re asked to sit…