Missed Homework Makeup



$25. If you’ve taken an instructor-led class from Club Ed but life got in the way and you didn’t turn in an assignment before it ended, now’s your chance to get feedback on that assignment.

Once you’ve purchased the Missed Homework Makeup product, send along your assignment to ResortDirector@ClubEdFreelancers.com and I’ll return feedback within two weeks*.

You will need one Missed Homework Makeup product per assignment missed.

This will allow you to count an instructor-led class as complete for certificate purposes.

NOTE: The missed homework product can’t be used for Advanced Developmental Editing. Please make arrangements directly with the instructor if you have missed the deadline for turning in the edited manuscript in that class.

*I’m unavailable for late homework feedback at several time during the year: the month of December and the month of August. It’s always good to check in with me ahead of time at ResortDirector@ClubEdFreelancers.com