Tell your clients what coaching is

Define your coaching services When I first began offering coaching to writer clients, I had copy on my website that said something like, “I offer coaching services for all aspects of writing and publishing.” If a potential client got in touch to ask me what coaching was, I would say something like, “Anything that is…


Story Editing for Teachers and Other Job Changers

Many Club Ed students are moving to book editing/developmental editing from other careers. Right now, I’m seeing a lot of teachers making the transition – they’ve either quit their jobs and are looking for the next thing or they’re planning to quit their jobs soon. And I don’t blame them! I can’t imagine much that…

How to do book doctoring and ghostwriting

Excuse-Busting Marketing

My excuse-busting marketing method has been highly successful in helping potential author clients decide whether to get their books edited and published. Excuse-Busting Marketing: How to Help Authors Get Ready for Editing If you’ve hung around here for a while, you know that I’m a big fan of finding clients who already know they want…

Intermediate Line Editing for Fiction
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Different Types of Editing

There are several different types of editing, and it’s very common for authors to be confused about what type of editing their manuscript needs. They’ll ask you to “edit” their ms. You think they mean development but they mean copyediting and they’re disappointed in your work. Or they’ll say they need someone to fix the…

Coaching for Accountability

Coaching for Accountability Coaching for accountability is a great fit for coaches working with writers, even new coaches! One concern that often holds newer editors back from offering coaching to writers is that they don’t know everything. And of course, that’s true! No one knows everything. But as I described in this post, coaching isn’t…

Two major misconceptions about coaching writers

Talented developmental editors are often hesitant about adding coaching to their menu of services. Over my years of teaching, I’ve learned there are two main misconceptions that stop people. First misconception about coaching writers One common misconception editors have is thinking that coaching is a lengthy, ongoing process, like therapy, and they don’t necessarily feel…

Seeing Coaching Opportunities with Potential Clients

Example of coaching opportunities when working with writers Are you needing inspiration for finding coaching opportunities with potential clients? I think of coaching as anything that helps a writer write their book, improve their book, sell their book, or otherwise advance their writing career but which isn’t a straightforward edit on a complete manuscript. In…

Coaching for introverts (people who hate talking on the phone/Zoom/in person)

Coaching for introverts Editors, like authors, are often introverts (me among them). This can make them/us/me resistant to offering coaching as an option for writers as it seems like a service that has to be delivered in person or over a phone/Zoom call in one-hour increments. Many introverts have trouble even meeting friends in person,…

Adding coaching your your services

Adding Coaching to Your Menu of Services

Coaching writers is distinct from developmental editing, but because of the nature of DE work, it’s common for it to shade into coaching (and, indeed, into mentoring). Many DEs fall into coaching because their clients ask for it while others want to move into the field more intentionally. Here are my thoughts about offering coaching…