Using the Five Senses in the Setting of a Book
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Using the Five Senses in the Setting of a Book

Here are tips for using the five senses in the setting of a book rather than relying solely on visual descriptions. How to Use the 5 Senses When Writing the Setting of a Book Authors often visualize their stories as if they were movies unreeling in front of them. This is unfortunate because it often…

How Traditional Publishing Works

How Traditional Publishing Works

Here’s a quick overview of the publishing process for authors and editors to gain a better understanding of how traditional publishing works. Basic Information about How Traditional Publishing Works You’re an author who is interested in publishing the traditional route—getting an agent, landing a book deal, seeing the book on the shelf in the local…

Moving from Nonfiction to Fiction

Moving from Nonfiction to Fiction

A question I’m often asked by writers is if moving from nonfiction to fiction is even possible. As a story development editor, I have had a number of coaching clients over the years and almost all of them have been established nonfiction writers who are honing their fiction-writing skills. So, you can imagine their most…

Getting Ready to Write: Understanding Your Framework for Writers

Getting Ready to Write: Understanding Your Framework for Writers

One of the challenges writers often face without realizing they’re facing it is the challenge of trying to write a story without understanding your framework for writers to evaluate the success of that story. By this I mean, how do you know if you’re on the right track? How do you know if your work…

Sharing a Platform in Query Letters

Sharing a Platform in Query Letters

It’s a common suggestion for writers to be building and sharing a platform in query letters in order to build their own awareness and marketing foundation. Tips for Sharing a Platform in Query Letters From a writer: “I’m sending queries to agents regarding my memoir. I’ve noticed a lot of writers talking about the importance…

2 Biggest Publishing Mistakes Writers Make

2 Biggest Publishing Mistakes Writers Make

Let’s talk about the two biggest publishing mistakes writers make that I actually see over and over again. Are you making these mistakes? Publish Mistakes Writers Make: The 2 Biggest In my many years as a book author, agent, and editor, I’ve met thousands of writers, professional and aspiring, and it has struck me that…