Freelance Freedom

developmental editing for fiction for freelance freedom
How to become a developmental editor = Freelance Freedom. This class bundles together all six self-paced Essentials of Developmental Editing classes.

A few weeks ago at the ophthalmologist’s office, I got the “Do you need a doctor’s excuse for work?” question again.

I’m always shocked at this question. There are jobs where a GROWN ADULT has to provide a permission slip from Mommy? I mean the doctor?

Are you kidding me?

No, I don’t need a note. I’m self-employed and even if I were a staffer, I wouldn’t work for a control-freak organization that would require me to get a doctor’s note to prove that I was where I said I was going to be.

If you’re tired of being treated like crap by the people who pay you, maybe it’s time to think about becoming a freelancer and achieve freelance freedom.

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