New! Naked Editing class starts January 4, 2021

NEW! Starts January 4, 2021

$50  4 weeks (through January 31), instructor-led

This class is intended for editors, new and experienced, who are interested in following along as an experienced editor performs a developmental edit on a complete fiction manuscript. It is a reading-intensive class and the more you participate in the online discussions, the more you’ll get from the class.

Note: Recent current events force me to point out that there is no actual nudity by anyone in this class.

You’ll follow along as the instructor:

  • performs a brief manuscript assessment and first read-through, showing notes and reactions
  • identifies the main developmental issues and begins the manuscript edit
  • completes the edit and drafts the revision letter
  • revises the edit to focus on the overarching argument/theme of the edit

Each week, you’ll have a chance to follow along and do your own practice, although there are no assignments. You will be able to participate in online (asynchronous) discussions of the issues raised throughout the edit and to ask questions about why the editor has made the choices she’s made or to describe your findings and what you might have done.

This is a new manuscript that has not been used in any other EFA or Club Ed classes.

Through November 15, 2020, for a $10 discount, use the coupon code TG2021

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how to become an editor

New to story editing? Begin at the beginning.

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