Effective Client Communication for Book Editors

Effective Client Communication for Book Editors

Managing client expectations is necessary for a successful business so here are my tips for effective client communication for book editors. My Top Tip for Effective Client Communication for Book Editors One way to avoid an unhappy client is to communicate all relevant information from the very beginning of your relationship with them. Clearly stated…

Basics of Developmental Editing – Dos and Don’ts

Basics of Developmental Editing – Dos and Don’ts

The basics of developmental editing can be shared in a set of do’s and don’ts for editors. Here Are My Basics of Developmental Editing I generally begin any developmental edit with a quick read-through intended just to familiarize myself with the story. I make developmental notes for myself as I perform that first read-through, including…

Using the Five Senses in the Setting of a Book
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Using the Five Senses in the Setting of a Book

Here are tips for using the five senses in the setting of a book rather than relying solely on visual descriptions. How to Use the 5 Senses When Writing the Setting of a Book Authors often visualize their stories as if they were movies unreeling in front of them. This is unfortunate because it often…

Networking 101 for Editors
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Networking 101 for Editors

Here’s my best advice on networking for editors: Having contacts can absolutely help you succeed in your editing business! Basics of Networking for Editors In any profession, having contacts can help you succeed. Yet most of us don’t start off knowing anyone who can help us get our editing careers off the ground.  I’ve often…

How to Get Editing Experience
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How to Get Editing Experience

When a new book editor is just learning developmental editing, I offer this advice for how to get editing experience. How to Get Editing Experience as a New Editor “I feel a little overwhelmed,” editing students tell me from time to time as they learn the craft. Mostly they’re worried that this means they’re not…

How Traditional Publishing Works

How Traditional Publishing Works

Here’s a quick overview of the publishing process for authors and editors to gain a better understanding of how traditional publishing works. Basic Information about How Traditional Publishing Works You’re an author who is interested in publishing the traditional route—getting an agent, landing a book deal, seeing the book on the shelf in the local…